Our co-ordinators will asess the artwork and notify you if there are any issues we have before production.
• Set color mode to CMYK and not RGB.
• Make sure files only contain necessary information used for production. (Delete all unused layers and colors.)
• Preferably artwork format required is Illustrator (.ai) files. If file is not compatible with our software, you will be notified.
• Always outline text. This eliminates font issues. If possible, try sending through the fonts used.
• All trapping is done by us. Try not send files already trapped.
• Keep the artwork open. All layers must be accessible.
• If editing is needed, include all images used in the artwork.
• Avoid setting type in Photoshop. Type will print sharper if you don’t.
• Keep to a minimum of 3% dot in all files.
• Gradients should not end fading at 0%, try keep it to a minimum of 3%.
• Correct pantone colours should be supplied with artwork in order to separate properly.
• By email or web: One file with open paths for text, one file with closed paths for text. All fonts to be attached for ease of production.
• On CD or DVD: Same as above, but include hardcopy proof as well. Also include any colour samples used that would not be in the standard book (Pantone) colours.
• Fonts: If possible, convert all fonts to outlines. If this is not possible include all fonts contained in your artwork. Avoid using “special fills” or type options such as underscore, bold, or italic as these will not convert when brought into another application for processing.
• Placed images: Minimum resolution of 300dpi is required. Do not embed placed images, instead include separate, unflattened files in case colour correction is necessary.